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Love God Greatly: RuthPavyzdys

Love God Greatly: Ruth

8 diena iš 26

God providentially led Ruth to the fields of Boaz. Some people may call this a coincidence, but the mature believer understands that God is at work in every detail of our lives. Nothing escapes His attention, and our circumstances are never happenstance. He threads grace through every single strand and seams each element together with His redemption.

Nothing in our lives is wasted. In God’s economy, every detail has value and purpose. A seemingly random event that takes place today will one day serve a grander purpose. It’s when we look back at our lives that we note how God used a difficult season to create beauty in our lives later.

Ruth cooperated with God’s leading – even though the work was grueling and held little return for her at first. Her faithful obedience was rewarded abundantly. What field have you landed in right now that is hard work for you? Bloom where you are planted. God sees you, and He is cultivating beautiful fruit in your heart as you labor.

Lord, help us to follow wherever You lead us and keep working even when it’s painfully hard. Help us to trust that You are at work. Amen.

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