Love God Greatly: RuthPavyzdys

Love God Greatly: Ruth

2 diena iš 26

Our sinful choices impact our whole family. Here Mahlon and Chilion followed the poor example of their father and chose to live like pagans. Rather than fear God and obey, they chose wives who did not follow Jehovah God. The famine that was in the land they had left now inhabited their hearts, and they lost their very lives. Naomi was left truly barren and empty.

Sin leads to grief and sorrow that poisons everyone in our home. If you were raised in a godly home, thank God for the legacy of faith that set you on the right course. If you grew up in a home where sin ran rampant, you can break that cycle by asking God for forgiveness and choosing to walk in obedience to His Word. May our homes be built on a legacy of faith that honors God.

Father God, thank You for the gift of family. We want our homes to honor You. We want to leave a legacy of faith in our children. Show us how to build wisely and please You. Amen.

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Love God Greatly: Ruth

If you’ve ever experienced loss, loneliness, or seasons of great change or difficulty, then you can immediately identify with the events and people in the book of Ruth. While Ruth begins as a story of heartache, it doesn’t stop there. Mourning turns to dancing as themes of loyalty, kindness, boldness, acceptance, love, and redemption are uncovered. But ultimately, Ruth is a book about the providence of God. We should never underestimate the seemingly small events in our lives. Whether it is caring for family, getting married, working, showing kindness to our neighbors, or raising children… all of it is being used by God for the good of those who love Him, for His glory, and for the salvation of others. The book of Ruth reminds us that no event or person is insignificant in the plan of God. Join us for a 4 week study in the book of Ruth. Corresponding blog posts are available online at
