Now What? Living a Transformed LifePavyzdys

Now What? Living a Transformed Life

5 diena iš 5


In order to fully answer the question of, “Now what?” it is important to recognize that walking in true transformation is a daily decision to surrender to Jesus. As you have received a fresh vision from the Lord, we want to continue to maintain the momentum by doing the spiritual work that may be required of us in this new season. One way we are empowered to obey God is by implementing rhythms of spiritual disciplines to keep our perspective and focus on God. The Bible is full of directions for us to incorporate into our daily lives as followers of Jesus. God commands us to rest (to sabbath), to pray and fast, to get in community, and to serve one another. It is a daily decision to surrender to the direction of the Holy Spirit, inviting Him to direct our steps in all things.

Reflection Questions:

  • How do you incorporate rest into your life? Can you pick one day a week to practice a sabbath?
  • What does it look like for you to have a rhythm of prayer and fasting in your life?
  • What are you holding on to that you need to intentionally surrender to Jesus daily?


God, thank You for empowering me to surrender to Your will and Your way for my life. I thank You for the shift that has occurred in my life. I know You have empowered me to surrender daily and I commit to do so. I know this change isn’t just about me, but there are many other people that are attached to my “yes”. I ask that You help me stay surrendered and live out a transformed life. In Jesus’ name, I pray, amen!

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Now What? Living a Transformed Life

There is power in the big and the small moments in God’s presence. While those encounters are always impactful, some spark a life change that can leave you wondering how to navigate what comes next. In this 5-Day Plan, we invite you into Living the Transformed Life as you walk out transformation in Christ, and answer the question, “Now what?” following a powerful encounter with God.
