Because of Jesus I Am...Pavyzdys

Because of Jesus I Am...

19 diena iš 20

Run for Cover!

Verse – “And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:7)

Think - I have a dog who is terrified of two things: thunderstorms and fireworks. She’s not very patriotic because her least favorite day of the year is July 4th. The first sound of a distant boom can cause her to immediately shake uncontrollably. Her response is often to run to my side and get as close as possible. You may not be like my dog, but if you’re like me, many things can probably cause your heart and mind to start to shake with worry and anxiety. It’s so easy to start down the road of “What if…” and find your internal peace stolen along the way.

Yet, incredibly, this verse tells us there is peace that is available to us that can guard our hearts and minds against worry and anxiety! It’s a peace that surpasses understanding and can help us be calm even when there are many reasons to worry. It’s the peace that’s available to us in Jesus. Through faith in Jesus, we are sons and daughters of God. And God promises to always be with his children and do good to them. That’s a truth that can enable your heart and mind to have peace in the midst of any and every situation!

Apply - The verses before and after verse 7 tell us how to access this peace. Just as my dog runs to me to find cover when she is afraid, these verses tell us to run to God and find cover in the midst of our worries. Verse 6 says we should pray to God by telling him everything we are worried about and asking for His help. Then verse 8 tells us to fix our minds on what is true. This includes the truth of who God is and especially how big, good, and wise He is! What are the things in your own life you are worried about right now? Take a moment to tell God about those worries and ask Him to supply what you need. Then spend some time fixing your thoughts not on the source of your worry but on the God who can supply you with peace.

Pray - Heavenly Father, you tell us to be still and know that you are God. We admit that often it feels far easier to be worried than to be still. Yet we know you offer us peace that is available in every single circumstance. Help us to fix our thoughts on who you are and so be still. Help us to find peace in you today. Amen.

Bio line - Kyle Kauffman is the Preaching Pastor at Keystone Church in Paradise. Kyle lives with Bri, Oliver, Jaxson, and Mazzi in Lancaster.

Šventasis Raštas

Diena 18Diena 20

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Because of Jesus I Am...

Placing faith in Jesus Christ initiates a mysterious exchange: His life becomes ours, His death takes our sins. Embracing this truth, we find a new identity in Him. This devotional reconnects us to Jesus' words, reminding us of the riches in our union with Him. Despite worldly and fleshly influences, we are a new creation. Let these truths revive your soul and rejoice in the great news for all.
