Chazown with Pastor Craig GroeschelPavyzdys

Chazown with Pastor Craig Groeschel

5 diena iš 5

You’re ready to answer the critical question: How do I discover God’s chazown for my life?
Look carefully at the Three Circles you’ve just identified for your life—your core values, your spiritual gifts, and your past experiences.

How do three such different areas relate to each other? Are you ready? Bring your three circles together, and find the place where they converge. In almost every case, there’s one identifiable sweet spot where these life-shaping arenas of our life come together. Look where your circles overlap. That’s where you find your chazown. God knew exactly what He was doing when He created you. God gave you core values, gifts, and experiences. And where those overlap is where His chazown for your life explodes in spontaneous spiritual combustion.

The first time I overlaid the three important spheres of my life—core values, spiritual gifts and talents, and past experiences—I was amazed at what I learned. When I do it now, I can see even more clearly the way those Three Circles in my life reveal important truths about my purpose. That overlap explodes God’s chazown for me. So, take several minutes, ask God for guidance, then start dreaming. Write your thoughts on a piece of paper, answering each question.

Question #1: If money were no object and I could do anything I wanted for the rest of my life, what would I do?

Question #2: Besides loving, caring for, and ministering to those who are most important to me, what is the number one thing that I believe God wants to accomplish through me?

This has been an important next step, even if it made you very uncomfortable. Please understand one very important point: When God gives you a dream, you will be anything but comfortable. Why? Because God’s vision for you is bigger than you can imagine and impossible for you to do on your own.

God’s vision for your life is such that when you see it, your first thought will be, how can I possibly do this? The truth is you can’t. God will call you to do something you can’t do on your own, so you will have to take a step of faith into the unknown. The only way you’ll accomplish it is to trust God. That way, when God accomplishes His purpose through you, God will get all the credit.

For exercises to help you uncover your Chazown, identify your next steps, and set practical goals in five areas of focus, try reading the book this plan was excerpted from.

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Chazown with Pastor Craig Groeschel

Chazown—a Hebrew word for vision, is what God has in mind for your life. Discovering your chazown starts with examining your core values, spiritual gifts, and past experiences. This plan will help you identify common themes, bring clarity to your unique passions, and lead you to the purpose God has just for you. Start planning your next steps toward pursuing God's vision—His chazown—for your life today!
