Back to School: Encouragement and Wisdom for the New School YearPavyzdys

Back to School: Encouragement and Wisdom for the New School Year

2 diena iš 10

You Have Worth

This verse assures us that God has crafted each of us with precision, care, and boundless love. It's a reminder that we are not mistakes, but rather intricately designed reflections of God's artistry.

Life's challenges might stir doubts about our uniqueness and worth. Negative voices can be loud, making us question our value. However, the truth of Psalm 139:14 remains unshaken. We are fearfully and wonderfully made by the creator of the universe, and his work is beyond compare!

As our children step into the school environment, let's remind them of this truth. When faced with moments of insecurity, they can turn to Psalm 139:14 as a source of strength. Just as a lighthouse guides ships through stormy waters, this verse guides us through moments of doubt. So when our kids fail the test, get picked on, or get chosen last for kickball, it's good to remind them that God is thrilled with who they are.

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