HE - Hebrew Names of GodPavyzdys

HE - Hebrew Names of God

26 diena iš 30


God of Forgiveness


Pronunciation Reference: אֱלוֹהַּ סְלִיח֖וֹת



God of Forgiveness, I come to You with reverence. Your love is so profound that it covers all the sins mankind has ever committed. You never lower Your standards, but You are ever willing and ready to forgive.

Jesus, thank You for personally demonstrating love and forgiveness on the cross. Holy Spirit, thank You for granting me courage, humility, and determination to ask for forgiveness and to repent from my sins.

Forgive me for refusing to respond to Your conviction, for abusing Your ever-forgiving nature, and for harboring unforgiveness.

Father, examine my heart, reveal to me anything that offends You. Teach me to confess and repent immediately. Enable me to forgive and release those who have wronged me; help me restore them back to a place of honor.

Because You are the Forgiving God, I declare I choose to turn to You instead of handling guilt myself. I choose to forgive quickly and completely. I walk in Your grace and freedom.



  • Eloah Selichot (אֱלוֹהַּ סְלִיח֖וֹת) is commonly translated as "God of forgiveness" or "forgiving God”. Other translations include "God ready to pardon”, "God ready to forgive”, and "God who forgives”.
  • The term Eloah (אֱלוֹהַּ) refers to God in the singular form and is derived from Elohim (אֱלֹהִים). It is predominantly found in biblical poetry, particularly in the poetry of Job.
  • In Jewish culture, the word Selichot (סְלִיחוֹת) also denotes special prayers for forgiveness. The recitation of Selichot prayers is a significant part of the Jewish High Holy Days, particularly in the days leading up to Yom Kippur (יוֹם כִּפּוּר), the Day of Atonement. This period is known as Aseret Yemei Teshuvah (עֲשֶׂרֶת יְמֵי תְּשׁוּבָה), the Ten Days of Repentance.



In a quiet place, sit down comfortably. Relax your shoulders, neck, and jaw.

Smile, for there is a grace in this world called forgiveness.

Inhale slowly through your nose, filling your abdomen. Imagine the Father's abundant grace, His boundless capacity for forgiveness knows no limits.

Hold your breath for a few seconds, picturing how far the east is from the west, how far He has removed our transgressions from us. (Psalm 103:12)

Exhale slowly through your mouth, releasing any unforgiveness, guilt, or heaviness to Him.




Step into this moment and address your words to the God of Forgiveness. Let's invite the Holy Spirit and allow Him to take you where He wants you to experience spiritual freedom today. Release your thoughts, desires, and doubts as you explore this profound connection. Surrender to the divine flow and capture the conversation that unfolds between you and Him.

[Part 1]
Dear God of Forgiveness, …
[Part 2]
Dear child / (your name), …




He is the God of Forgiveness. He is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and rich in unfailing love. How does this impact your daily life? Take a moment to reflect and write a personalized declaration in your journal.

Because You are God of Forgiveness, I declare I can / I will / I am…

Recite your declaration with confidence and eagerness, repeating it until it becomes ingrained in your mind and heart. Believe with every fibre of your being, remembering that we walk by faith, not by sight. Through this practice, we position ourselves to tap into God's reality.



As Day 26 of HE comes to a close, my prayer for you is that by His grace and power, you can and you will forgive others immediately and completely just as you have been forgiven.

Šventasis Raštas

Diena 25Diena 27

Apie šį planą

HE - Hebrew Names of God

Tap into God's strength as you amplify His Hebrew names during this 30-day journey. Immerse yourself in Hebrew calligraphy art, music, scripture, and prayer that prepare you for two transformative exercises: writing (1) a two-way journal and (2) a declaration. Cultivate a deep and meaningful connection with God and activate unwavering faith in Him.
