HE - Hebrew Names of GodPavyzdys

HE - Hebrew Names of God

14 diena iš 30


The LORD Our Maker


Pronunciation Reference: יְהוָה עֹשֵׂנוּ



The LORD My Maker, I praise You. You saw me when I was still formless, and You knit me together in my mother's womb.

Thank You for creating me in Your image and breathing Your living Spirit into me. You know every one of my hidden thoughts and desires; no one else knows me so intimately.

Forgive me when I fail to appreciate the way You have designed me and when I fail to see the worth of others. Forgive me when I am indifferent to life.

Teach me to fully accept and embrace exactly the way You have created and wired me. Mould me and empower me to walk into my destiny.

Because You are My Maker, I proudly declare that my existence is not random, nor an accident. I am fearfully and wonderfully made for a purpose that only I can fulfill.



  • Adonai Osenu (יְהוָה עֹשֵׂנוּ), usually translated in English Bible as "The LORD Our Maker”, also translated as "The LORD Our Creator" or "The LORD Who Made Us."
  • In the Hebrew language of the Bible, there are several terms expressing the concept of "create" or "make":
    • Bara (בָּרָא): This term is commonly used to describe divine creation and is primarily found in religious or mythological contexts in modern Hebrew. (See Genesis 1:1)
    • Pa'al (פָּעַל): This term is associated with actions of "doing" or "working" and is more common in modern Hebrew, typically used to describe practical actions or work. (See Psalms 95:5)
    • Osenu (עֹשֵׂנוּ): This term comes from the root "asah" (עָשָׂה), meaning "to do" or "to make," and is less common in modern Hebrew. (See Psalms 95:6)
    • Yatzer (יֹצֵר): This term comes from the root "yatsar" (יָצַר), meaning "to form" or "to shape," and is primarily used in literary or religious texts in modern Hebrew. (See Isaiah 45:18)



In a quiet space, sit down comfortably. Do some stretching exercises to relax yourself.

Smile, whether today is your birthday or not, I rejoice in your existence! For you were chosen and loved before the creation of the world (Ephesians 1:4-5).

Slowly and gently inhale through your nose, imagining this scene: Our heavenly Father shaping you with His loving hands, breathing life into your being.

Hold your breath for a few seconds, envisioning this moment: as He gazes upon you, He feels deeply satisfied and pleased.

As you exhale slowly and fully through your mouth, release to Him that inner critic who often nitpicks and undermines yourself, or release any dissatisfaction with yourself.




Today's writing is dedicated to The LORD Our Maker, distinct from Day 1 where we praised God as the Creator of "all things". Our attention now shifts to the One who has intricately fashioned the unique YOU. Let’s welcome the Holy Spirit to guide you as you write. Record the dialogue in your journal.

[Part 1]
Dear Father / The LORD My Maker, …
[Part 2]
Dear child / (your name), …




He is The LORD Your Maker. He has fashioned you in His image and for His purpose. How does this relate to the way you live today?

Because You are The LORD My Maker, I declare I can / I will / I am…

Speak your declaration aloud, directing it towards Him, yourself, and the universe, repeating it as many times as necessary until it becomes ingrained in your heart. Your declaration has the power to shatter the chains of limiting beliefs. This simple act will help rewire your brain and renew your mind for His intended purpose.



As Day 14 of HE draws to a close, my prayer for you is that you will come to a full realization of your divine worth, and continually bask in His delight.

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HE - Hebrew Names of God

Tap into God's strength as you amplify His Hebrew names during this 30-day journey. Immerse yourself in Hebrew calligraphy art, music, scripture, and prayer that prepare you for two transformative exercises: writing (1) a two-way journal and (2) a declaration. Cultivate a deep and meaningful connection with God and activate unwavering faith in Him.
