Righteous JudgmentPavyzdys

Righteous Judgment

3 diena iš 5

When I was around thirteen years old, there was a boy in my class who was blind. His name was Luis. Luis and I became very good friends and enjoyed many laughs and good conversations.

During the years we studied together, we occasionally got to watch a movie in class. Sometimes I would sit next to Luis and explain what was happening. I still vividly remember his expressions of happiness and suspense as he listened to what was going on. If only he could see to appreciate the stunts and special effects. I think it would blow Luis's mind to know that some movies invest over forty million dollars in visual effects.

The Bible tells us that there is a spiritual blindness in those who are not in Christ. It means they don't have the ability to understand or appreciate what comes from the Spirit. Just as Luis couldn’t fathom why so much is spent on visual effects for movies, a person without the Spirit cannot understand why Christians do what they do, believe what they believe, and are who they are.

As Christians, we have spiritual eyes that allow us to see what others do not see, and the mind of Christ that enables us to discern what others can’t discern. Judging is a defining trait of the spiritually attuned because we possess the ability to judge, evaluate, discern, and come to conclusions guided by the wisdom of the Holy Spirit. This doesn’t mean we are perfect in our judgment, but rather that we have access to someone perfect who guides us into all truth.

In today’s world, speaking up for what we know is just labeled as outdated, dogmatic, and intolerant—it seems absurd to those who don’t have the Spirit. Don’t let that intimidate you! Seek to be an influence in your family, in your circle of friends, at work, or in your place of study.

The people around you cannot believe in a God they have not heard about. If only they could see what we see. If only they had the mind of Christ.

What should we do for them to understand? We must proclaim the gospel to them and rely on the work of the Holy Spirit, who reveals the truth.

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