Loving the Other: Jesus RevolutionPavyzdys

Loving the Other: Jesus Revolution

5 diena iš 7

Is There Room for Everyone?

We often use the words acceptance and understanding. Why, then, is there so much misunderstanding? It seems our differences make it hard to fit in. How can we be unique and special yet still feel like we belong? Just like square shapes do not fit into round holes, people are not all alike. Making room for everyone begins with offering unconditional love and acceptance. Watch how the movie clip shows this.

The Bible talks of God’s great love for us in Ephesians 2. How does God love us so much when we can hardly love ourselves? He does it because of mercy and grace. Mercy withholds deserved punishment, while grace gives us something we do not deserve. It begins when we experience God’s unconditional love and acceptance. We can then show others the same love and acceptance—the same works with forgiveness. When we experience forgiveness, we can freely love and accept others. And we can do it with no strings attached.

Application Questions:

  • Read Ephesians 2:4-5 out loud, personalizing the verse by using your name and personal pronouns. How did that make you feel?
  • Why is it so hard to tolerate and welcome the differences and diversity in others? Is there really room for everyone?

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