Dearest Daughter: Motherly Advice for Moms Who Need MotheringPavyzdys

Dearest Daughter: Motherly Advice for Moms Who Need Mothering

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Day Seven: Dream Big Dreams With God

Dearest Daughter,

Do you ever dream with God about your life? If not, you should try it. God loves it when you do!

I love how God's Word says in Ephesians 3:20 (NKJV) that He will do “exceedingly abundantly more than we could ask or imagine.” Wow! What a powerful promise! I think we should take Him up on this one for sure!

God can do anything, and He wants us to dream about what our life in Christ can look like in the power of the Holy Spirit. You see, God gave you those children and your husband, and He wants to do your life with you. He didn’t give you your family to just set you off on your own to raise them and live your life. No, He wants you to come to Him for wisdom about how He wants you to do it all – every single day of your life.

Many years ago, I started to dream with God, so I created a dream diary with things I wanted to have in our family. This list included fun things like where we would like to travel and things we wanted to do, but it also included the important things such as wanting my children and grandchildren to have a heart for Jesus and to know His great love. I also listed (and prayed about) things like having a close family, cultivating a home rich with God's Word, and life-giving literature to give them a beautiful soul. I prayed for God to bring us incredible experiences to equip our children for their callings and the time and energy to do it.

I prayed Malachi 3:10 (the tithing promise) over our family’s finances and asked God to “ the floodgates of heaven” upon us so we would have money to pay for what He wanted to provide. I didn’t want anything holding us back. After all, God owns the cattle on a thousand hills and will give you what you need for what He calls you to do. Ask, and see what happens. After all, the Word says in James 4:2b, “you have not because you ask not.”

Ask, ask, ask, and keep asking! Then do what God tells you to do!

Pray with me...

Lord Jesus, I want to dream big dreams with You. Help me to carve out time this week to sit and ask You what You have for my family and me. Open the floodgates of heaven over us! Give us everything we need to accomplish the plans You have for us. I want to be specific, so I ask for ideas from You, people, books, lessons, classes, adventures, experiences, the money to pay for it, and the energy and time to do it. Do more than we could ask or imagine in our family! In Jesus' Name, Amen.

I am praying for God to speak to you, dear one!

With much love and prayers,

Mama Deb (your second mom)

Would you like more encouragement in your journey as a mom? Join the Help Club for Moms on the Help Club for Moms Podcast, the Help Club for Moms Online Group on Facebook, Instagram, or our website We hope to see you there! :)

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Dearest Daughter: Motherly Advice for Moms Who Need Mothering

Mama, do you need mothering? Are you facing your mothering years feeling lost and alone without a Christian mom capable of speaking into your life? Join your second mama, Deb (Help Club for Moms Founder), for godly advice, encouragement, and motherly love from a fellow mom who also needed mothering.
