Worshiping the Lord by NamePavyzdys

Worshiping the Lord by Name

5 diena iš 5


The culture in which we find ourselves today does not encourage thinking beyond one's personal or commercial interests. The very notion that one might take any thought "captive to Christ" is a foreign concept at best, one frequently met with derision and scorn by nonbelievers. How dare any entity (other than our news and social media, of course) dictate how we should think!

Likewise, our pluralistic society and its ever-shifting ethical compass has very little regard for Spirit-filled discourse or moral absolutes. Words should reflect the "truth" of each individual's experiences after all. (As if such a thing as absolute Truth were ever a possibility!)

And our deeds, as far as this world is concerned, should reflect our own self-interest. If nothing personal is gained, what is the point in taking action? Who has time to be the hands and feet of Jesus when there is so little "me time" to begin with?

The selfish, shortsightedness of mankind is nothing new. What Enos and his descendants took a stand against millennia ago (Genesis 4:26) is the very thing we as Believers continue to face. Unlike our spiritual ancestors, though, we not only worship the Lord by name - we have seen Him in the flesh (John 1:14) and received His Holy Spirit to empower and embolden our worship (Ephesians 1:13)!

Yes, we are pressed on all sides by a world that would rather us forget about God and submit to a different "authority" - a world that would rather us change our minds, shut our mouths, and do less for His glory. But we cannot do that. We dare not! We belong to Another: One who has already won the victory, no matter what society may tell us to the contrary (1 John 4:4). Those of us who call upon the name of the Lord are more than conquerors within our culture (Romans 8:37). Thus we can be bold in our beliefs! We can be outspoken in our convictions! We absolutely can act to make a difference in this world!

Prayer and Reflection: Since completing this devotional, in what ways has God changed your mind? How have you felt Jesus calling you to use your voice? Where and with whom has the Holy Spirit inspired you to take action? If you are unsure of the answer to any of these questions, pray now for guidance and clarity!

Diena 4

Apie šį planą

Worshiping the Lord by Name

Genesis 4:26 speaks of early mankind "worshiping the Lord by name." But what did such worship signify in millennia past? What are its implications for Believers today? This 5-day study will explore how we, like our spiritual ancestors, can take a cultural stand in everyday worship. We, too, can call upon the name of the Lord!
