Why, God?Pavyzdys

Why, God?

3 diena iš 3

The Secret to Renewed Passion and Strength

Habakkuk has an open, honest conversation with God in the Old Testament. Though Habakkuk had genuine concerns and complaints—the opening words in the third chapter set the tone for the entire book. Habakkuk 3:2 says:

"O LORD, I have heard Your speech and was afraid; O LORD, revive Your work in the midst of the years! In the midst of the years make it known; in wrath remember mercy. In other words, Habakkuk’s saying, “God I know You’re big. I know You’re powerful. But in the face of all this pain, I need you today to do the great things You’ve done in the past!”

I think Habakkuk knows something we need to remember—God is in the business of reviving his people. He wants to wake us up, refresh our faith, and renew our passion.

Friends, we all go through difficult times and seasons of pain. Think about it—in the wake of COVID, so many have experienced disillusionment and grew cold in their hearts. Maybe you don’t feel what you once felt in your relationship with God. Perhaps you’ve felt isolated from God and your spiritual family in the last few years. I have good news for you—things don’t have to stay this way. Even if you’re in deep frustration right now, you can find unspeakable joy in spite of your circumstances—if you will open your heart to God.

Like us, Habakkuk was familiar with pain and uncertainty, so he cried out to God for revival—and God met him in a powerful way! Habakkuk embraced the Lord and lived in faith even in dark challenges. If we cry out to Him, we, too, can experience God’s revival in our lives.

As you engage with God’s Word:

● What is God saying to me?

● What does it mean to me?

● How can I apply what God is teaching me?

● How can I be specific in prayer today?

After you reflect on these questions, bring everything to God in prayer. If you have any prayer requests or testimonies you'd like to share, we'd love to hear from you—just visit SteveRobinson.com today to connect with our team, view full-length messages, or sign up for my weekly devotional email today!

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Why, God?

Everywhere you look, it's easy to see pain, frustration, and despair. Even in your own life, maybe you're battling fear and doubt. At times, we all ask the question, "Why, God?" That's why I invite you to join me as we study the book of Habakkuk. Together, we'll examine the honest conversation Habakkuk has with God and discover how to find new encouragement, hope, and God's perspective in life!
