Unbound: Freedom in a Digital WorldPavyzdys

Unbound: Freedom in a Digital World

5 diena iš 26

Philippians 2:1-5

Often lost in the translation of this text is the poetry and rhetorical rhythm of Paul’s encouragement. The key to this text is the usage of “if.” The translation of the Greek word ei into English as “if” suggests to us an idea of conditional agreement between Paul and the Philippians. We might misunderstand Paul to be wondering if the Philippians actually feel this way, but nothing could be further from the truth!

Instead, Paul uses this word to show how close and intimate he is with the church in Philippi. Paul is certain that they do feel this way. Paul stacks four “if” lines upon each other. Each is intended to spiritually and emotionally call the readers to remember their identity in Christ and their abiding relationship with Paul. The lines are better read with poetic rhythm.


If you have any encouragement in Christ,

If any comfort of love,

If any fellowship of the Spirit,

If any affection or compassion,

Then fulfill my joy.

If we put our phones in their proper place within our common life as a tool for communication, it’s amazing how they are able to create and strengthen the type of intimate relationships like Paul has with the Philippians. Our world today is so desperate for relationships like these, full of encouragement, love, fellowship, affection, and compassion. We hold in our hands daily a tool that can help bring these eternal relationships into the present.

Today, practice relationships by thinking intentionally about how your phone can help in each of these four areas of relationships:

Encouraging others in Christ.

Comforting others in love.

Fellowship with others in the Spirit.

Demonstrating affection and compassion for others.

Šventasis Raštas

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