Be Still: 15 Days With God Pavyzdys

Be Still: 15 Days With God

13 diena iš 15


I waited patiently for the LORD; And He inclined to me, And heard my cry. PSALM 40:1

What is patience really and why do we need it? Patience implies there is great unrest that is threatening to pull me up into its vortex. The psalmist felt the pull but instead instructed himself to wait patiently for the Lord. Ultimately patience is just walking by faith, more confident in the Lord than in our resources. And so, we wait on God and confidently press on despite our circumstances by knowing Him, Who is sovereign over all. As the psalmist discovered, his waiting was not in vain!

Remember Abraham, at the ripe old age of 99, and Sarah being 90, would namely mean the child God promised was not going to happen. But God had promised him a son. Though his wife’s womb was as good as dead, beyond all hope, he believed God, Who was faithful, would keep His promise to him.

What are you waiting upon the Lord for? Faith is seen in the waiting. Faith in God leads to steadfast endurance! When you don’t understand or feel God is there working, you still keep pressing on.

From Lessons on Trusting God, Psalms 40-41

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Be Still: 15 Days With God

"Be still, and know that I am God;" (PSALM 46:10a). Many Christians are familiar with this verse, but do we really understand it? This exhortation applies when we are distracted by our successes, as when we are fearful and disquieted by some troublesome news. We need to learn to quiet ourselves by opening God’s Word and gaining His perspective in both cases.
