Born to Bloom, Heal From Sexual AbusePavyzdys

Born to Bloom, Heal From Sexual Abuse

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You are Loved

The idea of being loved can feel very foreign to those of us who have been abused. This love was once foreign to me too. Having experienced trauma early on in life is something I understand all too well. Although my abuse might be different from yours, it impacted me in ways I didn’t understand at the time. However, those effects later revealed why I would sabotage my own life in certain areas.

Once I discovered how the abuse impacted the six key areas of my life, I began to replace the impact-meaning the negativity, with the goodness of God. These areas are; spirituality, relationships, emotional health, physical health, career, and finances. Yes, abuse impacts every area, but with God you can take what has impacted you negatively and begin transforming it into the positive. You can do this! I began by taking any wound that surfaced and transformed it into what God said about me. When I felt hurt, I wrote down the word healed. When I felt used and abused, I wrote down the words new, restored, whole and complete. When I felt dirty, I wrote down that I was clean and pure. I encourage you to do the same. It is as simple as learning your antonyms. Write down the negative word and then write the opposite word for your godly narration.

For just a moment, I invite you to experience the greatest love you will ever know. Listen as I speak the words to you that our Father wants you to hear;

“My precious child, I know you are weary and carrying a heavy burden. Come to me and I will give you rest. I will refresh your life. I am your safe place.

I love you so very much. I am so very sorry that you were hurt. Come to me now and let me heal every part of your life. It is time for you to rest. Time for you to heal. Let’s do this together. I will show you many beautiful things that I have created for you to focus on. Let’s begin with how I wanted you here in this world, how I formed you, and the great plans I have for you, plans for your beautiful future.

There is nothing you need to do to prove yourself to me, just rest in my grace and love. You are worthy and you are deeply and completely loved by me.

I want you to know my child that you are not alone, nor were you ever alone. I have been with you every moment of your life. When you cried, I cried. I see you here now, an overcomer, victorious and ready to prove to the world that you will not be defeated! I am so very proud of you!

I made the lotus flower as a symbol of your fortitude and strength. The lotus flower begins deep in the dark trenches. Yet this flower seeks the light. It begins pushing through everything in order to get to the top. Nothing will stop it! It was designed to rise above it all and bloom into the most beautiful flower of all. You my dear are born to bloom. You have been given everything you need to rise above it all and bloom into a unique and incredibly beautiful flower, more beautiful than them all.

Let’s begin with your mind my child. Each and every day speak the words of life. The words I have given you and who I have created you to be. Continue to add to your list beautiful life giving words. I have an endless supply of words to give to you! Come to me each day and let me give you a new one. Your life is going to be transformed in the most glorious and incredible way! You are not only going to heal, but you will also become a healer for many! I am so excited for you. Remember, I AM the great I AM, when you say these words make sure you identify with who I created you to be.

Say it with me my dear, I AM loved, I AM victorious, I AM healed, I AM an overcomer, I AM strong, and I AM Born to Bloom!

You are loved precious one!

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Born to Bloom, Heal From Sexual Abuse

Born to Bloom, is designed for both men and women wounded by sexual abuse. Emotional Wellness Coach La Vonne Earl will walk you through this 7-day plan to help you discover your value, learn how to speak life over yourself and build a new godly inner narration so you can have the peace of mind you desire. Get your passion and purpose back! Come join me in this life-changing plan!
