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Drawing the Line by Kate CroccoPavyzdys

Drawing the Line by Kate Crocco

1 diena iš 7

God’s Pleasant Boundary Lines

Does this sound familiar to you? You live life going through the motions but aren’t exactly sure why you’re doing what you’re doing or how you got there. You are tired and overcommitted. You care deeply about what others think of you, and you’ve neglected yourself to make them happy. You’re not even sure what you want out of life anymore. All that’s clear is that you could use a nice nap or a weekend away, not with those you love most but by yourself. You desperately want to throw the phone across the room and never hear a notification again, yet you sit on the couch craving connection at night. You wonder if anyone else feels this way.

This is what I call being out of alignment. I know what it feels like because I’ve been there. Oh, how you wish life could be simple, and you could leisurely read, organize your home, sit and laugh with your hubby, and collect lightning bugs outside with your kiddos without feeling the pull to refresh your screen just once more to make sure no emails have gone unnoticed.

What if I told you that it’s possible? That you can begin living a life of peace, simplicity, freedom, and abundance. Free from the pressure of missing the mark, passing over opportunity, or the dreaded FOMO.

It all begins by drawing the line—setting boundaries and limits in every part of your life. Allowing anything to cross those boundary lines will inhibit you from living the life God has available for you, a life of holy fulfillment.

I find Psalm 16:5-11 to be one of the most freeing and helpful Scriptures for living within our God-given boundaries: “The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places” (verse 6).

When we live within God’s boundaries for our thoughts, schedules, possessions, relationships, and dreams, we find ourselves ready to trust in God’s great provision—and we find a fullness of joy that is even more than we can fathom.

Take a few moments to sit and meditate on Psalm 16:5-11. Close your eyes and slowly breathe in. Envision how different your day-to-day would be if you infused this passage into your future steps.

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