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Compared to Who? a 10-Day Plan to Improve Your Body ImagePavyzdys

Compared to Who? a 10-Day Plan to Improve Your Body Image

8 diena iš 10

Today I bought my 243rd new bottle of hair smoothing serum. And in a few hours, I'll wash my hair for the second time today because, like the others, this new formula made my hair greasy. Nice. I don't really know how many bottles of miracle hair products I've purchased. But I fall for the promise of frizz-free hair—every time.

When our hearts are lured toward chasing anything other than Jesus, the Bible uses two words. One is idolatry, and the other is vanity. A derivative of that word—vain—is often used to classify someone who spends a lot of time worrying about appearance.

But the Bible defines vanity as more than frequent mirror checking. Vanity encompasses everything we pursue that won't last beyond this earth. James 1:11 explains it as meaningless pursuits that "wither like the grass under a scorching sun."

Making beauty and body transformation into idols entangles us in a vain pursuit. Again, it's not that pursuing health or putting on makeup are bad things. But we must make sure we don't take these "good" things and turn them into ultimate things—saviors that we hope will bring us peace, joy, love, or rest.

Our hearts are idol factories, constantly seeking ways to find joy and satisfaction apart from Jesus. Longing for the express pass to happiness, we try all the miracle cures. We take shortcuts and use instant coffee machines because we want gratification now!

Satan tempts us. He knows the appeal of the easy path. He expects us to keep trying the next new thing that promises "instant results."

The enemy whispers, "He would love you more if you were thinner." Or, "You'd be married if you didn't have such a big nose." Instead of refuting him, we buy it and become more desperate for a quick fix. Maybe you've heard his lines, too?

  • If you were prettier, life would be easier.
  • Your marriage is hard because of your size.
  • If the tag read size two, you'd enjoy the beach.
  • You'd get that job if your skin were clearer.
  • No one will ever love someone who looks like you.

Could our battles with insecurity be ploys of the enemy designed to keep us from pursuing Jesus and his will for our lives? Though it looks like a physical fight, our battle against the beauty idol is a spiritual one.

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