Alive & WellPavyzdys

Alive & Well

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Alive & Well

By Socrates Perez


The same power that opened that grave

Is moving right here in this place

You’re alive and well 

You’re alive and well

The same God who had parted the sea

Is living and breathing in me 

You’re alive and well

You’re alive and well

The more I dwell on what Jesus did to save us from the death we deserve and bring us into relationship with Him, the more in awe I become of how good God is! Think about it. The Bible shows us how God masterfully created us and the world in which we live, and yet we turned away from His design and rejected our relationship with Him. (Genesis 3 and 6:5 are just the starter examples.) 

Despite centuries proving our brokenness and cycles of disobedience, God made a way to restore a relationship with Him through Jesus’ sacrificial death and victorious resurrection. The apostle Paul also teaches us that the same power that enabled Jesus to overcome death gives life to those who trust in Him and empowers us to overcome the pattern of sin that held humanity captive for so long (Romans 8:9-14).

This means that when we struggle with our human temptation to disobey God, the very same power that raised Jesus from the dead is right there with us, enabling us to overcome the sinful nature that once controlled us. Whether you are wrestling with a sinful habit, a self-seeking attitude that avoids helping others in need, or the urge to allow the fear or anxiety that will immobilize you from obeying God’s call on your life, you now have the Spirit of God who “gives you life” (Romans 8:10) and gives you freedom from the “obligation to do what your sinful nature urges you to do” (Romans 8:12).

Depend on the Spirit of God, knowing that the same power that raised Jesus from the dead is at work within you. He is still active and moving in you, allowing you to overcome what once seemed impossible to conquer. The Spirit of God is alive and well in you!


Dear God, thank You for the gift of salvation through Jesus. I know that through His suffering, the debt that I owed for my sin has been paid. I know that through His resurrection, sin, and death have been defeated forever. They have no power over me! I ask that You remind me of this truth and help me to trust in Your Spirit, which is alive and well in me. In this moment, I depend on Your power to help me follow You faithfully. I trust You, Lord. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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