Sereniti- 30 Days to a New Start Pavyzdys

Sereniti- 30 Days to a New Start

20 diena iš 30


Elders who do their work well should be respected and paid well. Especially those who work hard at both preaching and teaching. -1 Timothy 5:17 (NLT)

Honor means to have high respect or esteem. It means to have great regard for a person, place, or thing. We honor many things in our lives depending on who we are and what means the most to us. For example, we celebrate the president of our country because he has earned respect as the nation's leader. We honor courtroom judges because they hold high esteem in the courtroom. We respect and learn from our pastors because they have been given rule over us. 

The point? People in certain positions are worthy of a particular honor, regard, or respect. However, it's not given in a lot of cases. Why is it so hard for us to honor one another? In today's society, there's a shortage of honor and humility. Due to this shortage, dishonor and arrogance are becoming ridiculously common. 

Honor and respect are both earned. A person can completely honor you with their time, talent, and treasure and dishonor you with the same. So we have to be sure that we are given the appropriate honor where it's due. Not because we are meant to place anyone on a pedestal, but simply because it's a mandate from God to honor those in position around us.

Who do you honor? Is it God? Your peers? Your friends? Do you keep yourself? Perhaps it's all of those mentioned above. Are there others in your life that honor you? Take a good look over your life, and make sure you honor God and those worthy of respect in all that you say and do. 


1Timothy 5:17


Loving Father, I pray that my life speaks loudly at all times. Allow me to live my life in a way that I am worthy of the honor You have so diligently placed on the inside of me. Help me always to honor those that are deserving of it. God, knowing You are worthy of honor, please take my hand and show me how to always give You praise and reverence with my life. In Jesus' name, Amen.

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Sereniti- 30 Days to a New Start

Sereniti means to be in a posture of peace even when chaos is all around you. The earth is filled with endless possibilities to land in a posture of peace, but maintaining it is where we want to remain. In this plan, we will journey through 30 days of starting on the path to finding the "Sereniti" you deserve.
