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Amazing Grace and Loving Aging AdultsPavyzdys

Amazing Grace and Loving Aging Adults

3 diena iš 7

Listening Is Loving

Mother Teresa said, “Before you speak, it is necessary for you to listen, for God speaks in the silence of your heart.” As you lean in to listen to the Lord while caring for your aging loved one, God will speak to you. Quiet moments of reflection and listening well to your Heavenly Father will bless you and provide direction as you offer care. 

Taking time to simply sit and be present with your aging adult is a gift in itself. Listening to them is a form of loving. Deep, compassionate listening helps your loved feel secure, better able to share from their heart. Listening well honors and affirms them, providing safety and security. Those we love long to be heard and understood. 

Your loved one will be more inclined to trust you in this phase of life because they know your voice. You are familiar to them. Just as sheep follow a trusting shepherd, your loved one will look to you for guidance. May you listen well and follow His voice as you care for them. God always is available to listen to you. He has His ear bent toward you, ready to hear from you each day.  

Lord, thank You for the gift of Your voice and direction through the Holy Spirit, Your word and others You place in my path. Help me make and take time to sit with You each day. Offer me direction as I care for those I love. Help me to love well and to honor them through my words and actions. Just as I know Your voice, Lord, help my voice be reassuring. May I reflect You in all I say and do in their presence. Thank You that You hear me Lord, and provide all I need. 

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