A 7-Day Truth TalkPavyzdys

A 7-Day Truth Talk

4 diena iš 7

And David said, “The LORD who delivered me from the paw of the lion and from the paw of the bear, He will deliver me from the hand of this Philistine.” And Saul said to David, “Go, and may the LORD be with you.” (1 Sam. 17:37) 

David knew the power of speaking truth. He stood before Saul and spoke the truth that God would deliver him. He had a Holy Spirit-given, inward assurance that he would be delivered. David was trusting God for his deliverance. Not only did he speak the truth to himself and King Saul, but he also spoke the truth to the enemy Goliath as well. He said to the giant, “This day the LORD will deliver you up into my hands” (1 Sam. 17:46). 

Speaking the truth activates our faith because it reminds us of God’s power. It prepares the way for God to work in our lives and situations, and it changes our perspective. David wasn’t running out to meet Goliath while distracted by fear. He was armed with the Holy Spirit and a trust in God’s promises. 

Today, you are going out into the world and will most likely face some “giants.” Some will be slain more easily than others. But if you are like most of us, there is a giant in your life that is causing mischief and chaos on a regular basis. I bet you can name your giant right now. So, fill in this blank: My giant is ______. Now that it is named, get prepared to send it running. 

My biggest “giant” was fear—fear that used to keep me from moving forward in faith. God’s Word is full of nuggets of truth about fear—words like Psalm 34:4, “I prayed to the Lord and he answered me. He freed me from all my fears” and Isaiah 41:13, "For I, the Lord your God, hold your right hand: it is I who say to you, 'Fear not, I am the one who helps you.'" 

Spend some time asking God to give you Scriptures to speak to your “giant,” and then put those words in front of you every chance you get. Memorize the two or three that resonate the most with you. Let the Word of God lift your spirit and propel you forward. Before long, you will begin to see the amazing benefits of speaking the truth.

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A 7-Day Truth Talk

We all have something that keeps us from living fully for the Lord, but Christ wants us to give our baggage to Him so we can follow Him freely. Anne Farnum, author of Pack Your Baggage, Honey, We’re Moving to Paris!, shares healing truths to help find freedom from your baggage.
