Hope That Restores What's Broken | a 7-Day Doxa Deo PlanPavyzdys

Hope That Restores What's Broken | a 7-Day Doxa Deo Plan

6 diena iš 7

Hope for the world

In Paul’s most eloquent summary of the gospel, he proclaims that all things in the universe have been created by Christ, and are being sustained by Christ, and will be reconciled to God by Christ through the blood of his cross.  That is the breathtakingly universal scope of the gospel (Colossians. 1:15-23).  And only after that survey of the cosmic significance of Christ, his church, and his cross, does Paul move to the personal reconciliation of believers.  

The Christians in Colossae could stay firm in their faith and hope (v. 23), because their salvation was bound up within a gospel agenda that was cosmic in scope, spanning all of space and time.  Not surprisingly, therefore, the gospel is being proclaimed “in all creation under heaven” (v. 24).  The scope of the gospel’s power must be the arena of the gospel’s proclamation – it is good news for all creation.

If your primary focus is to only build the church, your impact will be limited. When you look through a kingdom building lens rather than through the lens of building a church, there’s a huge difference in how you envision planting the gospel in your community and city.  We must move our focus from just the gospel of salvation, to the gospel of the kingdom, which is much bigger.  Our mission is to become missional disciples who bring hope to our world.

Mission belongs to God.  The church belongs to God.  The world belongs to God.

Hope – realigning communities to the Kingdom.

Are you actively involved in Kingdom building?

What is your mission?

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