Real Hope: Fruit of the SpiritPavyzdys

Real Hope: Fruit of the Spirit

1 diena iš 5

Peace Testing

What does it take to lose your peace? A bad report, an unforeseen bill, a strained relationship, an unexpected accident, the loss of a job, a difficult conversation, sickness? I’m sure you’ll be able to add a couple of your own to this list as well. 

In my experience, life tends to throw some of these ‘peace testing’ circumstances at you. I’ve learned and continue to learn that I cannot always control what happens to me, but I can control what happens in me. It’s my response to these ‘peace testers’ that’s the measure of my peace. I love these two definitions of peace: ‘when all essential parts are joined together’ and ‘God’s gift of wholeness’. It focuses on the internal rather than the external. 

Consider your favorite fruit; how was it produced? It was produced from within the tree or plant that it belonged to. Likewise, you have the ability to produce the fruit of peace, if you allow the Spirit of God to remain within you.

Whatever you’re facing my hope and prayer is that you will hold onto these words of Jesus. 

‘I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.’

written by DRUVI PERERA

Šventasis Raštas

Diena 2

Apie šį planą

Real Hope: Fruit of the Spirit

In this plan, we take a look at four of the nine fruit of the spirit – Peace, Faithfulness, Goodness, and Self-Control with a final study on why the fruit of the spirit is so important in our lives. May the fruit of the spirit be the signs of a life lived fully in Christ. May this be the way we are recognized.
