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CoJourners: Learning to Share Your FaithPavyzdys

CoJourners: Learning to Share Your Faith

9 diena iš 28


Early believers were unstoppable in their witness. They knew that the one who had all authority in heaven and on earth (Matthew 28:18) had commanded them to be his witnesses. He had given them his Spirit to empower them (Acts 1:8). As a result, there was only one way to silence the witness of the apostles, which was to kill them.

What stops us from being a witness? There are many reasons, but the big five are: 

  1. Desire: We want something else, such as acceptance or success, more than we want to be used by God.
  2. Fear: We are afraid of offending someone or being rejected. 
  3. Lack of know-how: We are not sure what to say or how to say it. 
  4. Relational disconnectedness: We don’t have or don’t recognize opportunities to talk with others. 
  5. Busyness: We are too busy doing other things.

To overcome these obstacles, we need to get honest with God. Admit what is true of us and ask him to both forgive and change us.

Thought: When you don’t want to do what God wants you to do, ask him to give you “the want-to to want to.”  

Take a Step: Prayerfully reflect on the five reasons we don’t witness. Consider which are obstacles for you. Confess them and ask God to change you.

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