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CoJourners: Learning to Share Your FaithPavyzdys

CoJourners: Learning to Share Your Faith

23 diena iš 28

Guilty Silence

What would you do if this had happened to you? Imagine being one of the four men, rejected by society for a condition beyond your control and left to survive on your own (2 Kings 7:3-5). That was the situation for four desperate lepers when the nation of Israel was surrounded by an enemy and suffering great famine. Unexpectedly God brought deliverance to the lepers first. They found the enemy camp deserted with all they needed to not only survive, but to thrive. But it was what everyone else needed too! Would the lepers be silent and keep it for themselves? They recognized their silence would be wrong.

Our situation is not that different today. It’s not a physical famine that plagues most people in our culture today. It is a spiritual famine. God has given salvation and it has come to us first. Will we be silent and keep it to ourselves? Or will we take the initiative to share it with others who desperately need it?

Thought: A witness is just one beggar telling another where to find the food. 

Take a Step: Make a list of the spiritual blessings you have received. Thank God for each one. Ask God for opportunities to share with others about them.

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