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What Difference Does Easter Make?Pavyzdys

What Difference Does Easter Make?

5 diena iš 5

Would you like to be confident that your sins are forgiven?  Would you like to have power and wisdom for navigating this life?  Would you like to know you have a future in God's kingdom and one day you will have the same kind of resurrection as Jesus experienced?  

That is the difference Easter can make.  Simply knowing about Easter, Christ's death and his resurrection is not enough.  

You need to do something about it.  You must take some action.  That action is to accept this truth into your life as real.  You pray to God and say to Him, "God, I cannot do life on my own.  I know I am not good enough and I will not work hard enough to defeat sin or death.  So I am asking that Jesus would come into my life.  I trust Jesus today.  I want to follow Jesus. I ask You to forgive me because of Jesus.   I want Him in my life and I want Him to lead me from now on.  Thank you for saving me, Heavenly Father.  Amen."

This is how Easter makes a difference in a person's life.  

If you prayed to ask Jesus in your life today, I would be honored in knowing that.  I would also like to point you in some directions to keep your spiritual growth going.  Would you reach out to me through my website and let me know the decision you made?

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