Weapons of WarfarePavyzdys

Weapons of Warfare

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I want to highlight the power that is released through fasting. It’s one of the weapons that Queen Esther utilized. Everyone of importance in the Bible practiced fasting: Moses, David, Elijah, Esther, Daniel, Anna, Paul, and Jesus, just to name a few. When Jesus taught on fasting, He said, “When you fast” not “if you fast.” He assumed that we all would fast. 

We were created to practice fasting.  Think about it: if you sleep eight hours every night, then you are sleeping one-third of your lifetime. If you live about seventy-five years, that’s twenty-five years of sleeping or 9,125 days. When you sleep, you are fasting and that’s why the morning meal is called “breakfast” – it's when you break your fast. 

Spiritual fasting is simply abstaining from food for spiritual reasons. 

Fasting is the Biblical way to humble ourselves (Psalms 35:13; 69:10).  Fasting helps us to overcome the calamities of life. For example, Ezra fasted for protection (Ezra 8:21-28). King Jehoshaphat fasted when the confederate armies of the Canaanites and Syrians invaded Israel (2 Chronicles 20:3). 

Fasting also renews our hunger for God. When we fast, we gain our hunger back for the presence of God. 

Another benefit of fasting is that it empowers us to fulfill God’s calling on our life. Most of the people in the Old Testament fasted in a crisis. We should fast not only because of problems but also for a purpose. Anna fasted constantly for the coming of the redemption of Israel (Luke 2:37). Don’t wait for problems to arise before fasting, but fast during problems. This is a great way to humble ourselves before God.  Fasting should be a normal lifestyle. 

One more reason to fast is for spiritual conquest. Whether you’re seeking deliverance or wanting to walk in victory every day, develop a lifestyle of fasting. Fasting doesn’t move God; it just moves us into His spiritual realm. 

Fasting and prayer are vital weapons you must use to acquire victories.  Instead of just dealing with the symptoms of problems, use these powerful tools to remove the root of spiritual issues and conflicts. Don’t just deal with the symptoms; kill the roots.

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Weapons of Warfare

Spiritual warfare is won with spiritual weapons. On the ground, snakes are powerful and deadly, but in the air, they are weak, useless, and vulnerable. When an eagle takes the snake into the sky, everything changes. Snakes have no defense, no balance, and no power to strike in the air. Your enemy is the snake; you are the eagle. Take your battle into the prayer zone, and he becomes defeated.
