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A 7-Day Devotional on HopePavyzdys

A 7-Day Devotional on Hope

6 diena iš 7

Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life. - Proverbs 13:12, NIV

Expect His Goodness

If you don’t have hope that a problem is going to turn around, hope that a dream is going to work out, or hope that the new house is in your future, then your heart, your spirit, is going to be sick. When you’re not hopeful, positive, and expecting God’s goodness, something is wrong on the inside. We all go through seasons in life when things aren’t exciting. It’s easy to have the blahs and lose our enthusiasm. That’s part of the normal currents of life. Nobody lives on cloud nine with everything perfect and exciting every day. Part of the good fight of faith is to stay hopeful in the dry seasons. When it’s taking a long time, keep a smile on your face and all through the day say, “Lord, thank You that You have good things in store.” Go out each day expecting His goodness, believing that the days ahead are better than the days behind.

A Prayer for Today

“Father, thank You for the expectancy rising in my heart that You have good things in store for me. My hope is in You alone. I know that You have all of my situations figured out, and You’ll get me to where I’m supposed to be. I expect to see Your goodness today. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

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