Staying Connected During a CrisisPavyzdys

Staying Connected During a Crisis

4 diena iš 5

Your Mind Matters

With all this social distancing and isolation, people seem to have a lot more time on their hands to think. 

But not all of that thinking is all that helpful.

Yes, these are worrying times. There’s a risk of catching the COVID-19 virus. There’s an increased risk of dying. There’s the risk of losing your job or your business. Now sure, we can self-isolate and governments are trying to help. 

But still, many people spend a lot of time worrying.

And here’s how it goes … we imagine all the things that could possibly go wrong and then we let them weigh us down as though they’re all going to happen at once. It’s pretty depressing stuff.

But it takes exactly the same amount of time and energy to worry, as it does to look ahead with a sense of trust and hope. 

Paul the Apostle, sitting on a dungeon floor in chains, on death row put it this way:

Philippians 4:8,9 Whatever is true, whatever is honourable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. What you have learned and received and heard and seen in me—practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you.

When those dark thoughts come knocking just refuse delivery and think about the good things that God has done for you. 

Bottom line? Mind your thoughts because your mind matters.

Life Application Questions:

  • During this difficult time, what are the thoughts that you keep turning over in your mind again and again? (Perhaps take some time over this and jot them down.)
  • Score each thought on its negativity or positivity - 0 is negative, 10 is positive? 
  • What does that tell you about how you're spending your "thinking time"?
  • Write down three things that you have in Christ, that give you cause to trust in the faithfulness of God.
  • If, each time one of those negative thoughts entered your mind, you chose deliberately to think on one of the three things that you have in Christ, how different would your life be?

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Staying Connected During a Crisis

When we're going through tough times, the questions that most people ask are, "When will it end? And until it does, how am I going to cope". And yet opportunities abound for us to make a powerful difference in the middle of difficult times. And as we're making that difference, funny thing ... but we start feeling much, much better about life, no matter how bad things get.
