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Staying Focused in Uncertain TimesPavyzdys

Staying Focused in Uncertain Times

4 diena iš 5

Title: Focus On What You Can Do

Even in the midst of uncertainty, there are still things that we can do. For example, if you're working, you can do the job you have. If you have children at home, you can homeschool them. If you have some projects you want to get done around your home, you can do those. And everyone can take some time to sleep, eat, and exercise. 

When I've found my mind wandering to all of the things that I don't know and can't do anything about, God has reminded me that I already have more than enough that I CAN do even in this time with restrictions. 

And I'm asking Him to lead and guide me on what's most important each day. 

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him,  and he will make straight your paths." ~Proverbs 3:5-6

To help you with getting clear on what you still can do each day and focusing your mind off of the coronavirus and onto the present moment, write down a list of the items you want or need to do. Then focus on doing those and immersing yourself in the process. This will give you a good sense of accomplishment and lead to being in a better place than before versus focusing on what you can't do and feeling bad and getting nowhere.  

You can even come up with mini-challenges to give yourself something to look forward to such as having a goal of how often you will exercise each week or your target time to go to bed and wake up. 

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