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Modern Woman. Modern Life. And GodPavyzdys

Modern Woman. Modern Life. And God

21 diena iš 21

Here Is My Life

A sacrifice is an offering rendered acceptable to God. To live sacrificially is to offer your entire life to God. Such a sacrifice is acceptable to God only because of Christ’s work in you; he is the final and complete sacrifice for the atonement of sin (Heb 7:26–27).

Micah knew lavish offerings were not acceptable to God (Mic 6:6–8). David and Isaiah knew acceptability with God was “a broken and contrite heart” (Ps 51:17; Isa 66:2). Paul described this transaction as “a living sacrifice” (Ro 12:1). Although you can never match Christ’s sacrificial death—and indeed, are not asked to do so—your self-giving is to be complete and wholehearted. Being a living sacrifice means obeying the greatest commandments: giving God all your love, will, reason and body (Mk 12:29–31), borne out in practical, daily service to others (Mt 25:34–40). No expression of love, however costly, matches the price paid by Christ. The forgiven woman poured out expensive, fragrant oil to anoint Jesus’ feet, but her gift also involved the recognition of her past and the risk of disclosure of her sin. Her example of sacrificial giving did not go unnoticed (Lk 7: 36–50).

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