Come to the Garden: Focusing on Jesus Pavyzdys

Come to the Garden: Focusing on Jesus

23 diena iš 31

Earlier in the Bible, in Zechariah 9:9, it was prophesied that the king would come “righteous and victorious, lowly and riding on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey.” Our verses today beg the question...Why a donkey? It is believed, for one, it fulfills the prophecy in the Old Testament (God’s word is always true!), and two, rather than use a horse which was often a symbol of war in Jesus’ time, lowly animals were a symbol of peace. It also connected with the poor and oppressed that He came to serve and to save!

Don’t you just love that Jesus was so unpredictable? His ways were so incredibly wise and always had a deep meaning. Nothing that He did on earth was ever without thought or purpose! The verses today show us a God who was and is a peacemaker. The people expected their King to ride in on a horse and save the day, but He was lowered so we could be lifted, friends! He rode into the city bringing peace. Enjoy His peace today! His abundant peace is available to us when we simply ask.

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Come to the Garden: Focusing on Jesus

Mama, is your heart weary? Do you need refreshment for your soul? Join the Help Club for Moms this Lenten season as we refocus our hearts on Jesus and center our lives on His Word. Awaken this Resurrection Sunday with a heart full of joy, and a deeper understanding of our Savior's love.
