Share Christ at WorkPavyzdys

Share Christ at Work

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Let Your Light Shine

John Maxwell said, “Leadership is influence.” Yet most of us have no idea just how many people are influenced by us. People are observing you. And if they know you’re a Christian, they may be doing so with a more critical eye. That doesn’t mean you have to be perfect. It does mean you need to be diligent.

Jesus said that we are the light of the world. Light is conspicuous, especially in dark places. How do you let your light shine? James tells us not to just be hearers of the Word, but to be doers of it. In other words, turn to God’s Word and prayer when you have a problem or a goal you’re working toward. Then do what God leads you to do. Let God’s commands be the standard for your work. 

Lee Strobel, author of The Case for Christ, was influenced by a coworker when he observed the impeccable integrity this man had completing his expense reports while most others would fudge the numbers. Lee couldn’t help but want to know why. When he found out his coworker’s faith in Christ was the plumb line for his actions, it was one more confirmation that Jesus was real. 

When dealing with a difficult coworker, God commands us to show love and compassion. When someone lets you down, forgive them, and work with them to create a positive outcome. When there is uncertainty and stress at the office, turn to prayer and your trust in God to be a positive influence on those around you. People will wonder how you do it. 

Too often, there just aren’t that many role models for how to do that, especially at work. Instead, what many of us see are people who are demanding, out for themselves, easily angered, stressed or complaining. You will stand out when you demonstrate the opposite of what people expect. Then someone might just come to you and ask you how you do it, giving you an open door to tell them about Jesus.


Father, help me to keep my eyes focused on you and your commandments as I go about my work. May your Spirit guide me and give me the strength to be a light for Christ through the way I do my work and treat people. In Jesus’ name. Amen. 

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