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What's Next?: The Journey To Know God, Find Freedom, Discover Purpose, And Make A DifferencePavyzdys

What's Next?: The Journey To Know God, Find Freedom, Discover Purpose, And Make A Difference

10 diena iš 12

Servant Heart: The Greatest Of All Time

Jesus made it clear that if we want to be great in this life, we must embrace the lifestyle of a servant. Just as He came to serve and give His life to reconcile us to God, we are also to live in service to God and others. Servanthood is a hallmark of the Christian life: We are the first to act, to lend a hand, to do what no one else is willing to do. In this way, we emulate Jesus and honor what He has done for us. We identify the needs of those around us and provide for others what God has so generously provided for us.

We all have to fight against the gravitational pull of selfishness. It’s human nature. We want what we want when we want it. To be effective and impactful servants, we have to intentionally focus on others, asking, “What do they need?” and “How can I help?” Serving isn’t about getting credit or praise for good works. We don’t serve to get noticed. We serve to care for the people God loves and share that love in practical ways so they can experience and know Him. It’s really all about Jesus. We serve for His glory alone.

If you want to grow in your faith, make a commitment to serve, and begin to look for opportunities to meet the needs of others around you. If you’re not sure where to start, ask around at your local church, schools, food bank, shelter, or senior citizens center. See what you can to do to be the hands and feet of Jesus for the people in your community.

Diena 9Diena 11

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