Peace That Transcends All UnderstandingPavyzdys

Peace That Transcends All Understanding

1 diena iš 7


Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. John 14:27 

It’s very easy to sing and shout, “Hallelujah!” when everything is going well in our lives. It’s easy to be a Christian when your bank account is filled with money. 

It is easy to have faith when your family is healthy. But to be a Christian when everything goes wrong; when trial, tribulations and illness come into your life that is when your faith in the Lord will be tested. That is when you have the opportunity to let the world see the true colours of your faith in the Lord. That’s when you have the chance to live your testimony. When things are not going well, when the fire’s hot, and it appears as if you’re losing everything, that’s when you can give Jesus Christ the opportunity to fill you with His peace and guide you. 

Jesus promised to give us His peace so that our hearts will not be troubled and so that we will not be afraid. He said, “Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you.” 

Claim this promise today. Can you feel His peace filling you? Pray that the Prince of Peace will be your portion today. For His peace transcends all understanding. He will give it to you in times of joy and happiness, as well as in times of trouble. 

Lord Jesus, I choose to keep my eyes fixed on You, the Prince of Peace. I seek Your peace, Lord, so that I will not be afraid and troubled. Thank You for Your promise to fill me with Your peace. Amen 

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Apie šį planą

Peace That Transcends All Understanding

Do you have peace in your heart today? Or are you anxious about situations in your life? In this 7-day plan Angus Buchan will show you how you can be filled with God’s grace and peace and leave all these worries at God’s feet. The content for this reading plan was adapted from “Potato Faith for Every Day" by Angus Buchan © Christian Art Publishers.
