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Integrity Music

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“I love you.” “Me too.” Isn't that the most awkward response to such a heartfelt expression? I never understood if that response meant that the person loves me too, or if they love themselves as much as I love them. Either way, it always feels like whoever is the recipient of “me too” gets the short end of the stick.

Silence is probably a better response than a half-hearted “me too.” Most would agree that we would rather be sure that we weren’t loved than unsure if we are. But the truth is we all want to be loved.

Not in an “I love tacos” kind of way. Although tacos are definitely amazing and worthy of our earthly devotion! But there is a love deeper than tacos. It says I know you and I choose to love you. [Ephesians 1:4] We want to know we are loved more than we want to hear it. No one wants to live in the world of “me too” love.

That’s one of the biggest lies that keeps us from accepting God’s love. Many of us have a small, consistent voice in our ear that whispers, “If God really knew you, He wouldn’t love you.” It’s the same voice that whispered in the ears of Adam and Eve, convincing them that if God saw them, they would be ashamed. It made them think it was logical to take something God had made and “cover” themselves with it. [Genesis 3:7-8] How silly to believe that the created could hide from the Creator somewhere in His creation!

Yet, somehow that same whispered lie fuels our behavior to this day. Instead of leaves, we cover ourselves with our talents, gifts, and good deeds hoping that we will have the appropriate attire to show up for God’s love. We’ll even wear “clothes” that don’t fit, afraid that if He saw us, His love would be immediately snatched away and given to someone more deserving, or at least someone better dressed for the part.

Yet, the same truth of creation stands today. It is impossible to hide from God and therefore, impossible to hide from His love. [Romans 8: 38-39] It’s confusing, I get it. More than confusing. It almost contradicts the love we try to give one another here on earth. We strive for unconditional love but find conditions to be a part of our nature.

But trust me, God doesn’t struggle at all. Unconditional love is as natural for Him as breathing. It is not laborious, it is not draining. As He has loved us through eternity, He still has enough love to last until forever. That is what happens when you pull from an unending source. Love will always be our portion because “His steadfast love endures forever” [Psalms 136:26].

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Integrity Music

I am safe. I am loved. I am healed. In these three devotions, worship leader Casey J explores three of the most foundational truths of our identity in Christ. Whether you are new to a journey of faith, or you’ve been walking with Jesus for many years, it is easy to confuse circumstances with our reality as adopted heirs of God’s Kingdom. Join Casey as she dives into Scripture to push aside our situations and the noise of life, focusing instead on the promises of our Father and His eternal truths.


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