Lazarus Come ForthPavyzdys

Lazarus Come Forth

2 diena iš 5

The Man Lazarus

Lazarus Come Forth!

Now we get to the meat of our devotional and what seems to be the only part of the story that everyone remembers. But we are not only going to focus on those three words, but rather dial into one word a day over the next three days. I know you’re probably thinking, what could be said for each word that would be enough for a full day's study. Quite a lot actually, so let’s get started.

Today’s word study: LAZARUS

I heard a preacher say he was glad that Jesus specifically called Lazarus by name to come forth. If He had said something come forth, everything dead thing in the world would have been brought back from the dead. I don’t know about that, but it reminded me of the kind of power that Jesus had at his fingertips and how people reacted to it when He did use it.

Having the power to speak everything into being, must have made raising Lazarus from the dead look like a party trick. The Bible doesn’t go into it, but I think the people who knew Lazarus had died and had seen Jesus raise him back to life must have been amazed, if not a little scared.

What I take from this word study is that Lazarus was called by name to rise. Jesus focused on him, knew his situation, knew his past and what would happen to him in the future and called HIM forth. He also called him forth at His appointed time. Does that sound familiar?

Jesus knows right where you are. He knows your past, your current situation and He knows your future. Make no mistake that you have been called. 

Matthew 28: 19-20 “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”

It doesn’t say: “Billy Graham, go out and make disciples of all nations.” It says, “Go…” So, you have been called…are you ready to GO?


John 11:38-44
Matthew 28:19-21

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Lazarus Come Forth

Mary and Martha thought Jesus was too late and couldn't save Lazarus from the grave, but our savior had different plans. Join Uncommen in journeying through this well-known passage in-depth and see how Jesus is still calling us to come forth today for His name.
