A 31-Day Guide To Speaking Grace Over Your NationPavyzdys

A 31-Day Guide To Speaking Grace Over Your Nation

24 diena iš 31


  • suffering for a long time without complaining
  • patiently enduring lasting offense or hardship


God, you have been long-suffering with us, your people in my country. You have saved us, sinners, and you have given us mercy. You have been patient with us, even when we have complained against you. Today, I pray again for our governmental leaders. I pray that you would give them a spirit of long-suffering. Give them patience as they engage the challenges in our country, and give them the character to endure the hardships of leadership for the benefit of our people. 

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A 31-Day Guide To Speaking Grace Over Your Nation

Grace is defined as God’s unmerited favor or assistance given for the salvation and sanctification of humankind. Does your community need an outpouring of God’s grace? We truly need a “grace awakening!” This plan explores a different grace-related word and scripture each day to strengthen your own heart and fuel your prayers for your neighbors, community, and your country. 
