Matthew 16:24
New Testament in Braid Scots 1904 (William Wye Smith)
Than quoʼ Jesus to his disciples, “Gin ony man wad come eftir me, lat him deny his sel, and tak up his cross, and follow me.
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Matthew 16:18
“And I say tʼye, ye are a Rockman; and on this Rock wull I bigg my kirk; and the yetts oʼ Hell sal nevir owercome it!
Matthew 16:18 살펴보기
Matthew 16:19
“And I wull gie tʼye the keys oʼ Heevenʼs Kingdom; and what ye sal bind on the yirth sal be bund in Heeven; and what ye sal lowse on the yirth sal be lowsed in Heeven.”
Matthew 16:19 살펴보기
Matthew 16:25
“For whasae wad save his life sal tine it; and whasae wull tine his life for my sake, sal win it.
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Matthew 16:26
“For what is a man the better, thoʼ he win the hail warld, and tine his ain saul? or what sal a man gie as caʼtion for his saul?
Matthew 16:26 살펴보기
Matthew 16:15-16
He says to them, “But wha say ye that I am?” And Simon Peter spak, and quoʼ he, “Thou art the Anointit Ane, the Son oʼ the Leevin God!”
Matthew 16:15-16 살펴보기
Matthew 16:17
And Jesus answerin, says till him, “Happy are ye, Simon, son oʼ John! for nae flesh and blude tellʼt it tʼye, but my Faither iʼ the Heevens.
Matthew 16:17 살펴보기