Get Your PRAISE On!ಮಾದರಿ

Get The Promise
God's promises are true. He never disappoints on his promises. Disappointments come when we assume God should fulfill his promises to us on our timetable, and when it doesn't happen the way and time we want it to, that breeds hopelessness. One of the most heart-breaking situations in life is to have someone promise you something and then never follow through. But God will always bring to pass what he has promised. In the Bible there are promises for every obstacle and situation you may face in your life, the Apostle Paul tells us, "For no matter how many promises God has made, they are "Yes" in Christ. And so through him, the "Amen" is spoken by us to the glory of God." (2 Corinthians 1:20 NIV). A promise from God gives us hope to carry on even when the answer is delayed, or the enemy seems to make headway in destroying our lives.
One of my favorite stories in the Bible is about King Jehoshaphat, I know his name is long, but his story is astonishing and encouraging. King Jehoshaphat found himself nearly at war against an army much larger than his. How often the fight that comes to us is always more massive than we can handle, sometimes the mountains of problems seem so big, or the ocean of fears can be so deep, or the furnace can seem seven times hotter than usual. Perhaps your mountain is a divorce; your ocean is debt or your furnace is cancer or some other impossible situation but take heart because God has a promise for your situation. It is remarkable how people expect God to do something for them and yet, they do not understand if God promised it or not because they have not searched out his word. Remember, without a promise; there can be no real praise. We praise God because he is good and he does good.
When King Jehoshaphat got word of the impending battle, he purposed to hear from God, and he called all the people to gather together and fast and pray so they could seek an answer. When things seem hopeless it's time to call a few close friends and ask for prayer, maybe even fast a day and just seek God for an answer rather than worry yourself in fear and isolation. As the people gathered, the Spirit of the Lord spoke through Jahaziel, a priest, and God gave them a promise that day. God said,
"Listen, King Jehoshaphat and all who live in Judah and Jerusalem! This is what the Lord says to you: ‘Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army. For the battle is not yours, but God's. (2 Chronicles 20:15 NIV). The King got a promise from God, and now he could face the war at hand because he knew this was a battle only God could win. I pray you would seek a promise for your situation today.
"God never made a promise that was too good to be true" - D. L. Moody
About this Plan

What do you do in times of trials and tribulations? Do you become angry at God and ask why or do you praise your way through the storm? Praise is a powerful weapon that the children of God possess and it confuses the enemy of our soul. You have a choice- You can keep quiet in the trials, or you can use your voice to get your praise on and experience victory as the King of glory comes to your defense.