Indescribable: A 7-Day Journey About God And Scienceಮಾದರಿ

Indescribable: A 7-Day Journey About God And Science

DAY 2 OF 7


Have you ever seen workers build a brick building? They don’t just stack the bricks on top of each other. They need some sort of glue to hold all those bricks together. The glue for bricks is called mortar.

In the same way, your body is made up of 37.2 trillion little bricks called cells. And like a building, those cells need some sort of glue to hold them all together. The glue for cells is called laminin.

Laminin holds your body together. The thing that’s even more amazing about laminin is what it looks like. When you take a peek at laminin (and you’ll need an electron microscope to see it), it looks like . . . a cross.

Why is that important? Because it’s another reminder that we are God’s own creation. You see, God left His fingerprints all throughout His creation. The Bible tells us that even though we can’t see the invisible qualities of God—like His awesome power and His holiness—we can see His creation and know He is real (Romans 1:20). Jesus was with God at creation, and “in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible. . . . In him all things hold together” (Colossians 1:16–17 NIV).

Laminin is a picture of what Jesus tells us in His Word—He is the glue that holds our bodies, our souls, and everything—together. So when you’re feeling overwhelmed and having the absolute worst day ever, think about laminin—and remember that Jesus holds you—and all things—together.

Be Amazed!

The earliest use of glue was birch bark tar, which was used to make spears. The earliest written record of the use of glue comes from ancient Egypt. Hieroglyphs show that the casket of Pharaoh Tutankhamun (you may know him as King Tut) was glued together with a glue made from animal bones and skin


Lord, when I start to worry about all the things happening in my life and around me, help me to stop and remember You are Lord of all—and You hold everything, including me, together.

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About this Plan

Indescribable: A 7-Day Journey About God And Science

Based on Louie Giglio’s kid’s devotional Indescribable: 100 Devotions About God & Science , this reading plan will help kids discover the incredible creation of our indescribable God and will help kids and parents discover the wonders of the universe with the Creator. It’s impossible to out-imagine God. He orchestrates time, creates light, and speaks things into existence—from the largest stars to the smallest starfish. God is a powerful, purposeful, personal, unparalleled Creator. Psalm 19:1 says, “The heavens tell the glory of God. And the skies announce what his hands have made.” This study can be done with kids and parents together and will encourage awe at God’s creativity. 
