Seek God Passionatelyಮಾದರಿ

Seek God Passionately

DAY 21 OF 21

Seek Christ Himself

Ps Mitch Varlow - INChurch Sydney

“Jesus went up on a mountainside and called to him those He wanted, and they came to him. He appointed twelve that they might be with him…” Mark 3:13-14a NIV

Be with Him… is there a greater invitation in all of the universe than to BE with Jesus? He is Lord of all, the name above all names. At His name, every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that He is Lord. And He invites us to be with Him! What a privilege!

Often though, we get distracted by the burdens of life, the daily distractions and we forget to simply BE with Him.

We find ourselves seeking the blessings of Jesus rather than seeking Jesus Himself. We can spend our time seeking His provision, His healing, His protection, His forgiveness… He is our provider, He is our healing, our protection, and He offers forgiveness. But we’re kind of missing the point if that’s all we come to Him for.

When you spend time with someone they rub off on you. You learn their likes and dislikes. You learn their habits. You observe their character. So, if we are to become like Jesus, isn’t the best way to simply BE with Him?

As we conclude these 21 days I want to encourage you to make the practice of seeking God passionately a daily pursuit. The invitation to be with Jesus is not just for a period of time but a daily invitation.


How can you build a daily discipline of seeking God passionately?

Here are some thoughts:

- Spend time in prayer - don’t bring your list of items to Jesus… sit down, and have a “conversation” with Him in prayer. Share your heart with Him. Share your burdens, fears, worries, joys, hopes and dreams.

- Listen for His voice - it’s no fun when you spend time with someone and they simply talk all the time and you can never get a word in… so take time to listen for His voice. Sit in silence, and wait for His voice.

- Read the Word - He has given us His Word. John 1:1 says He is the Word… He has spoken, are you listening? His word is alive, it’s full of life and encouragement. Take time to read it, daily!

So, be encouraged… don’t just seek the blessings of God or the provision of God. Don’t just go to him when things are falling apart… spend time with Him daily. Seek to be WITH Him.


Lord Jesus, I want to be with You every day. Help me to remove distractions from my life and seek to be with You regularly. I need You, I need Your presence in my life. I thank You that when I seek You, I will find You.

ದೇವರ ವಾಕ್ಯ

ದಿನ 20

About this Plan

Seek God Passionately

At the heart of discipleship lies a profound and transformative truth that shapes our entire spiritual journey: it's fundamentally about relationship. The foundation of our faith journey isn't constructed upon a framework of rules or built on the bedrock of religious obligations, but rather emerges from a deep, intimate, and personal connection with God. As we embark together on this devotional journey, let's explore the rich and meaningful dimensions of what it truly means to seek God with our whole heart, mind, and soul.
