[Giving Jesus Away] to Seek and to Saveಮಾದರಿ

[Giving Jesus Away] to Seek and to Save

DAY 3 OF 3

Three Reasons

Why we are to seek and save the lost? Why did Jesus say such a purpose was worth His life and ours? There are three reasons that Jesus repeats over and over.

The first reason is rather sobering. It has to do with the difference between heaven and hell. No one in Scripture speaks more of the great contrast between them than Jesus. His metaphors speak of a heaven that is unimaginably wonderful and a hell that is unfathomably horrible. Jesus states that everyone will go to one place or the other and remain there forever (John 3:16; Matthew 18:8, 25:46). That includes children, friends, neighbors, and colleagues. If we truly love them, we must warn them of the danger and opportunity that lies ahead.

The second reason is the limited means by which we can avoid hell and enjoy heaven. If we think doing good deeds is enough to be right with God, or that religious sincerity is all that counts, we won’t bother trying to persuade others. But Jesus said we must believe in Him and what He accomplished through His death and resurrection. There is no other way of salvation. If we understand the dire straits of sinful humanity and the grace and forgiveness found only in Jesus, then it makes sense that Jesus would call us to join Him in seeking and saving the lost.

All of this could give the impression that telling others about Jesus has more to do with the next life than with this one. If so, maybe Christians ought to set up shop in hospitals and share Jesus only with the dying. But the life Jesus promises does not begin when we die; it starts the moment we trust in Him. It isn’t just some ethereal bliss that kicks in at death, but the sweetest, most life-giving relationship we could ever enjoy.

When Jesus called His disciples to be fishers of men and women, He coupled that with a call to follow Him. He wants us to be part of His purpose, and He want us to be with Him, to enjoy a relationship with Him. He promises rest for our souls (Matthew 11:29), peace of mind and heart (John 14:27), wisdom that can endure any storm (Matthew 7:24), and a loving home with God (John 14:23). Why would we put any of that on hold for ourselves or others? The third reason to seek and save the lost is so that people can know the joy and love of Jesus right now.

Why are we to join Jesus in his work to seek and save the lost? Because trusting Christ is the only means to enjoy life with God now and forevermore.

This devotional plan was based on the first chapter of the book Giving Jesus Away. If you would like to read more about this topic, please click here.

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About this Plan

[Giving Jesus Away] to Seek and to Save

This three-day devotional plan is based on the first chapter of Giving Jesus Away: Finding Joy in Sharing the Gospel, by John Hopper. Discover the life purpose that guided and shaped Jesus’ ministry. Jesus desires that we not only follow Him, but participate in His work. You will be inspired by three compelling reasons to share your faith.
