Launched Into Destinyಮಾದರಿ

Launched Into Destiny

DAY 3 OF 3

Peace in Surrender and Obedience

“Yes,” said Jesus, “but God will bless all who listen to the word of God and carefully obey everything they hear.” (Luke 11:28, TPT)

Have you been there? Are you getting a nudge to do something or help with something, and you’re just not sure what to do? Or do you strive with feeling unworthy, ill-equipped, or worry about what others may think? Please, precious one, do not wait until you are severely chastised by the Holy Spirit as I was. In truth, we do know if it is something the Lord is putting in our spirit.

I heard Bill Johnson say in a sermon one day, “Delayed obedience is disobedience.” Wow, did I ever learn this principle the hard way! An encounter one day with the Lord set me straight on the dangers of delaying obedience once and for all. I didn’t think of it as disobeying. I was trying to make sure I heard Him right, or if what I was hearing was truly from Him. Now I realize I was just making excuses to avoid doing what He asked.

The Lord was nudging me to start a women’s prayer warrior group and book study, but I just didn’t have a clue where to begin. The desire was to connect women from different churches in our area so we could bind together in prayer for the needs of our community. I would think about it, imagine how and when it would begin, where, who to invite, and how to approach others about being a part of it, etc. Every time I started to do an online invitation to get started, I would have thoughts of how unworthy and ill-prepared I was to be teaching others the Word of God or leading others. I was terrified. I had spent several weeks agonizing about it and knew the Lord was prompting me to begin. However, things came to a head one morning when I got another word from Him.

This time He said clearly, almost audibly, “If you don’t do what the Father has asked you to do, He is going to give your assignment to someone else.” Boom! This was the most terrifying message of all! I felt like one of those people we read about in the Old Testament when a high priest would come to them to deliver a stern warning from God about what they would lose because of their disobedience. Some examples below popped into my head:

Saul was no longer allowed to be the king of Israel because he rejected the word of the Lord, I Samuel 15:26.

Neither Moses nor Aaron were allowed to go into the promised land because they both broke faith with the Lord, Deuteronomy 32:51-52. And The Israelites were forced to wander in the wilderness until all who had disobeyed passed away. Only Jacob and Caleb were allowed to enter along with those who were under the age of 20 at the time of their exodus from Egypt, Numbers 14:34-45.

We do not have to fear God’s vengeance, but we need to understand that obedience is our protection. Our Father always has our best interest at heart. We prosper and flourish when we live in obedience, and our families live in abundance as well. It isn’t He who brings trials, but our own unwillingness to do what we were created to do and to be. I have never lived as happily or as peacefully as I do now as I follow in His footsteps. You can and will enjoy that same peace and joy. Pray for wisdom and understanding before you make any major decision, and listen intently for His voice as He guides and directs your steps.

My Prayer for You:

Father, thank you for your love and mercy as we navigate through this earthly realm. We understand our home and ultimate destiny is to be with You in Your Kingdom. Help this precious child of Yours as they seek to do your will in every aspect of their life. Give them wisdom and understanding as they strive to obey your directives along the way. Bless them and protect them, and reach into their future to bind and cast out any plot or plan of the enemy to wreak havoc in their lives. We thank you and praise you in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.


I will obey the voice of the Lord and work to establish His plans for my life and for those around me. I will be a leader in my generation and seek to share His mighty works with those I meet along the way. My life will be a testimony and light to guide and help whenever and wherever He may send me. This is my goal and I will fulfill it in Jesus name!

Invitation to You:

If you've enjoyed this bible reading plan, you will love reading my chapter in the Paper Crowns Volume 1 Anthology. You can download it here.

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About this Plan

Launched Into Destiny

Do you struggle to believe God has a special assignment for you? Do you wonder if you are equipped to do what He calls you to do? In this 3-day bible reading plan, you will receive encouragement, and the truth you need to step into the destiny God has for you.
