Blessings & Battlefields: A Healing Walk With God 3 Steps to Engage God’s Healingಮಾದರಿ

Day Four
A Healing Walk with God
Step #2 - SOLIDIFY
STEP #2 - SOLIDIFY – MEMORIZE that scripture.
The root word from solidify is solid. Its definition is to make into a solid form, to make strong or united. I can’t imagine a better way for us to exist here on earth than to be solidly and strongly connected to God and his word.
How can we engage in the transforming power of God’s word? By solidifying it in our lives.
Write it down and place it somewhere to be found daily. BELIEVE what it says.
Many of us BELIEVE in God, but do we BELIEVE God?
Do we BELIEVE His Word?
It’s a little-known fact that we actually create our own spaces. We create spaces that comfort us, love us back, and maybe even challenge us.
Our spaces declare what we love, what pours into us, and who we love. I read a challenge once that suggested we may carry God in our hearts, but are our spaces declaring that same love? I immediately ran out and bought a cross that remains on our kitchen counter to this day. That cross claims what we hold true and what holds us.
That cross and The cross claim what we Believe.
What we place around ourselves reveals who we are. It shouts: This is me!
What spaces have you created? What are your spaces saying about you?
After God showed me Psalm 118:17, I carried a written copy of it in my purse. I had it on an index card in my calendar. I wrote it on a Post-it note and attached it to my mirror.
I made a verse image out of it and kept it as my cell phone wallpaper! I placed it everywhere around me so I could memorize it, see it, and be constantly reminded of it.
I kept it in front of me until I had memorized it.
Even after I had memorized it, I kept His word surrounding me. There is no limit to the ways we can solidify His word in our lives. But, if we don’t have it in our spaces, we will forget. We won’t be reminded because our human hearts and minds wander. We must purposely surround ourselves with our Lord, memorizing His word, and walking a surrendered life each day.
Memorize and Believe!
Psalm 119:105 says, Your word is a lamp for my feet,
a light on my path. It comforts our walk with our God.
Let’s take up His word by first ASKING him to bring it to us, and then receiving it in our hearts and minds.
Let His Word seep into our hearts and minds. Nourish our souls with His word.
Meditate on it day and night.
And then…Take Step 3. Speak it!
Our Most High God, you created us in our mother’s womb and knit us together, knowing every intricate detail about us. We desperately need you every day. Please help us to recognize that we are incomplete without you. We ask that You complete us in the ways you see fit, cleansing our hearts to be bent toward you, serving you and others. Solidify your word in our souls. Help us to remember it and call on it daily.
In your Glorious name we pray,
About this Plan

Have you ever needed healing and longed for something to actually DO while searching for it? God is sovereign and in control. He loves us dearly, and He wants us to come to Him with every single situation. He hears us. Let’s go on a healing walk with our God.