Daily Nuggets of Grace Part 5 Courageous!ಮಾದರಿ

From Fear to Peace
Have you seen a baby become fussy and upset? Others may try to comfort him, but it is not until his mother takes him in her arms that he settles enough to fall back to sleep. Or you may have watched a young child scrape a knee while playing. She runs to her parent, who calms her down and cares for her. She returns to playing within minutes as if the injury had never happened.
When we face hard times and feel our adversary is shooting arrows of lies and fears at us, we can run to our heavenly Father’s arms and trust Him to protect and calm us. Standing there and letting the arrows wound us repeatedly would be unthinkable. It would also be prideful to think we can bat away every arrow to protect ourselves with our strength. We would quickly tire and be defeated in the battle.
Scripture is clear that we cannot fight the devil’s arrows on our own. We do not need to take a relentless beating as if we’re defenseless, either. We must rely on the Lord and the wonderful gift of His truths in the Bible to fight back the enemy’s attacks. We can be in the battle but entirely at peace in our Father's arms, just like a young child.
As we wrap up all we have learned this week, we are challenged to make the daily choice to stand firm, fully dressed in the armor God provided, and using the weapons of His Word and prayer. We do not need to give in to fear and lies. The Lord wants us to rest in His peace and love.
Reflect and Respond
What can you do today to remain strong in this battle? Have you made your lie list and found the truths to counteract? Meditate on God’s truth as you lean into the power available to you in Christ. The choice is yours today.
Lord, thank You for teaching me that I have everything I need to face my fears and walk with You in truth. I choose to take these steps forward with Your strength and power. Thank you for the peace You give me as I walk closely with You.
To continue the deep dive into God's marvelous grace, click Daily Nuggets of Grace Part 6 Calm! for the next devotional.
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About this Plan

There is a war for the love of God. This all-out war makes perfect sense since loving God is the first and most important commandment. This vital ingredient -love is how the world will know we are Christians. The Daily Nuggets of Grace is a tool to help Christians remove barriers like guilt, shame, fear, and pride while learning to abide to recover their first love for Christ.