The Parable of the Ten Minasಮಾದರಿ

A story to learn from
“He [=Jesus] said therefore, ‘A nobleman went into a far country to receive for himself a kingdom and then return.’” (Luke 19:12)
When the Lord Jesus was on earth, He taught people a lot about God. Often He did so through parables. These are stories about ordinary, everyday events. But these stories have a deeper meaning. They contain spiritual lessons.
In Luke 19:11, we read why Jesus used a parable: people thought the Kingdom of God would break through immediately. Jesus wanted to correct that misunderstanding by telling a story. The story was about a man of noble birth who would become king. But in order to receive his kingdom, he had to go to a far away country. That's how it was done in those days. Kings had to go to the emperor in Rome, for example, to be officially appointed king.
Jesus used this as an example for Himself. He is the King of the whole earth. That is certain. But it is not immediately apparent. After completing His mission on earth, Jesus went back to His Father in heaven for a time. We are still awaiting His return as a triumphant King, with full power and authority.
We live in the time when Jesus is in heaven. Are you actually expecting Him back? How does that expectation color your life?
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About this Plan

The Lord Jesus promised that one day He will return to rule over all the earth. But how should believers shape their lives here on earth until that day comes? Jesus teaches us more about that in a parable. Will you read along?