Her Freedom Journey From Pornography: 6 Days of Ditching Lies and Embracing Truthಮಾದರಿ

Her Freedom Journey From Pornography: 6 Days of Ditching Lies and Embracing Truth

DAY 3 OF 6

Day 3: Satan’s Big Lie #2: Nothing Bad will Happen

Read Genesis 3:1–6.

As you read what happened between Eve and Satan, you will notice some big lies. One is found in Genesis 3:3. God said that if Adam and Eve ate of the tree in the center of the garden, they would die. Satan responded, “You will not certainly die” (v. 4). Satan wants you to believe that there are no true consequences to sin. Maybe God won’t be happy with you, but He will forgive you. Sin is no big deal.

We have seen this play out in responding to temptation. Here are a few versions of the lies you may begin to believe:

You might believe: Porn doesn’t affect me.

The truth is that porn does impact you. It interferes with your relationship with God, and

It teaches you a self-centered approach to sexuality. When you lust, watch porn, or masturbate, you make sexuality all about you. This focus doesn’t go away if you get married. You have essentially trained yourself to respond sexually only to your own thoughts and your own touch.

Pornography also trains you to look at people as objects for your pleasure rather than as people made in God’s image.

You might believe: I’m not hurting anyone by looking at porn.

Genesis 1:27 says, “So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.” Every single human, man and woman, is made in the image of God and literally breathed into life from the breath of life from God (Gen. 2:7).

One of the reasons watching porn is problematic is because when we do, we are watching the abuse of God’s image bearers, and we are using other image bearers for our own sexual gratification.

Lusting, watching porn, or hooking up is the opposite of the apostle Paul’s command to “do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others” (Phil. 2:3–4).

Your freedom journey is no small matter. It sometimes means you must look at some difficult things, including the lies you’ve been believing. As you work through these lies, remember God exposes lies not to shame us, but to bring us into His love and His truth.

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About this Plan

Her Freedom Journey From Pornography: 6 Days of Ditching Lies and Embracing Truth

Beneath every sexual struggle is an undercurrent of lies. Lies might begin in your thoughts, but they don’t stay there. In time, they flow into your beliefs, emotions, and actions. Your freedom journey involves learning to discern the lies you believe about sexuality, about yourself, and about freedom and to confront those lies with the power of God’s truth.
