I Still Love the Churchಮಾದರಿ

As a mom of two boys, I clearly remember looking into the innocence of their newborn eyes, unable to imagine them as anything but perfect. Genesis 8:21 tells us that human nature is bent towards evil from childhood; this rings true as I watched my boys discover their voice, autonomy, and strong will that often seeks to defy authority. The tension lies in the space between loving them with every cell of our bodies and, at the same time, feeling heartbroken over their behaviour. If you are a parent, you may nod in silent understanding while quietly praying for guidance for the path ahead.
Scripture is clear: no one is perfect; we ALL fall short of God's glorious standard. So, what does that mean about men and women in church leadership roles? Can we expect perfection? No. Should we insist on high accountability? Yes.
It is equally dangerous to place someone in leadership without accountability as it is to give that one person in leadership all power over your worth and value. To reject God because of man is as foolish as to trust man as if they are god.
Equality with God is not something anyone should grasp after. We must confront this reality, particularly because we have inherited the knowledge of good and evil, leading us to adopt a misguided belief of seeing ourselves as godlike. This is a dangerous place for those in leadership to not slip into, hence why accountability is crucial.
So, what did Jesus do with the fickleness of human beings?
John 2:24-25 "But Jesus didn’t trust them, because he knew all about people. No one needed to tell him about human nature, for he knew what was in each person’s heart." Jesus was not surprised by human nature, nor did he unquestioningly trust it. Yet he commissions the mission of the church to human beings Matthew 28:18-20. NOTE: He never commissioned the mission of the church to ONE person.
The church is called the "body of Christ", which has many different parts. In the same way that my body has many parts, individual parts alone can fail. My big toe was not designed to carry the weight of my entire body, nor should individuals. My big toe can also break, but this does not mean I cast it aside or personalize it, failing me.
So, how do we process this tension with wisdom? God has given us every kingdom tool needed for healing:
- Revelation fosters brutal honesty as things are made known.
- Repentance that requires turning away from sin.
- Restoration requires a commitment to the healing journey.
- Reconciliation stands against disunity as one seeks to end estrangement.
- Redemption is a gift given through the price Jesus paid on the cross.
- Regeneration is the process of being made new.
The truth is that God knows we need these tools because, without them, we are lost. However, we can invite Jesus into the pain, which He often turns into purpose, or we can make pain and unforgiveness our dwelling place. We have a choice to get better or stay bitter. We have a choice of life versus death.
Having said all this, the journey for those on the receiving end of hurt is not an overnight journey; I encourage you to find safe spaces to process your pain with wisdom to find freedom and restoration for your body, soul and spirit. Remember, you are not alone; Jesus understands betrayal better than anyone.
Reflective Questions:
- What beliefs or vows am I holding to that are keeping me stuck?
- In what way are those beliefs or vows robbing me of walking in freedom?
- Have I in any way placed a human being on the same platform as God?
- How has this robbed my relationship with God?
Jesus, I invite you to share my pain and despair today. I pray for your wisdom and guidance as I journey with you to freedom. I pray for wisdom to discern the difference between forgiveness and establishing healthy boundaries. Thank you that I don't have to walk this journey alone, for you are with me. Amen.
About this Plan

How do you still love the church when one is betrayed, hurt or even abused by someone in the church? This plan seeks to hold this pain and tension with biblical wisdom for healing and freedom whilst knowing that the gates of hell will not prevail against it.